Monday, December 18, 2006

Our blessings from China

Today was beautiful day in Ohio. I bundled up Audrey and Paul and took them outside while Andrew and Natalie were at school. As they were toddling around I was overcome with many emotions. Seven years ago today our son Luke slipped into heaven. It was the worst day of my life.....I was a changed person from that moment one. Usaully Dec. 18th is a cold, deprssing day and I can't wait for it to be over with. Today was different. I was able to thank God for these two sweet hearts that I get to call "my own." People say how lucky Audrey and Paul are be in our family. But many adoptive parents will tell you the same thing...........we, the parents, are the LUCKY ones!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


t~ said...

I am so sorry to hear about your son Luke. My heart is with you.

Your family is beautiful!

Lisa said...


I didn't know you had a son that passed away. I am so very sorry for you and your family. I said a pray for you all and just wanted to let you know that I was thinking of you.

Your 2 blessings from China are beautiful.


Amy said...

We are the lucky ones! My oldest daughter has autism. She can not talk, or even use the toliet. For a long time I felt I had lost everything.Adopting our first son saved my whole life. He helpped me see I had so much life to give! We are now on adoption number 3! Sure we bless them, but I really am the Lucky one to have them! Paul is such a beautiful boy! I am so glad you have each other!
- Amy Heymann

Laurie said...

I understand your loss as we too lost a child 4 years ago. Thankfully God has blest you with the gift of adoption and two beautiful China babies! May this Christmas be extra special for your family!

PS. Our China blessing is Sophie, adopted March/05 and now awaiting our 2nd China blessing. God is so good!!!