I can't believe that this is our last night in Changsha. We will leave the hotel around 9:30 tomorrow morning for Guangzhou to finish up our adoption paperwork. We had another interesting day. Ashley, our guide invited us to eat at the
restaurant where his friend's wedding reception was being held. It was interesting to learn about how most Chinese couples celebrate their marriage. Later on in the afternoon we went to a park that is kind of like an amusement park. It was very beautiful even though the weather wasn't the greatest. The highlight of the trip to the park was when a man approached Ted. He asked "can you help me?" His English was almost perfect. We assumed he was asking for money but Ted still asked "what do you need help with?" The man said "could you help me find a nice American girl?" Ted told him that he didn't have any American girls to just give him. Ashley thought that the man may have had mental problems but we couldn't get over how good his English was. It made for a good laugh. Later on Natalie started to act and Ted threatened to give her to the guy looking for a "nice American girl." As we were walking around the park Ashely told us
alot about his family and also some of China's history. It was very interesting ( Rhonda....Ashley was excited that you asked about him....we met his wife at the wedding and she was a beautiful lady who seemed very sweet).
since tonight was our last night we couldn't resist getting another cake from the bakery where Ashley bought Natalie's birthday cake.
Mmmm Good and the cake only cost $7.00. I can NOT believe how tight my pants are getting. With Audrey's adoption trip we felt starved most of the time. The food in Changsha is way too good. Ashley has been really good about ordering our food for us. I feel like we got a good taste for the local style of cooking with out getting anything that us
American's would think was "way out there." Well, I may or may not post tomorrow since we'll be traveling plus I think we'll have Paul's medical exam as soon as we get there. So it may be a crazy day.

How exciting. Wishing you all the best.
It's hard to believe you've had Paul a week already. Wow how time flies. Sounds like your having a great trip. We can't wait to get there next month.
Jim & Laura King
I have really enjoyed reading your entries and can't wait to meet Paul for myself! Have a safe trip home, and enjoy your last few days in China!
I'm having a great time stalking you!!! Stay healthy and have a great time!!!
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