At 4:15 this afternoon we finally met Paul. He is being a real trooper. At first he was very scared and
he was crying very hard and very loud!! He seems to settle down fairly quickly so I am taking that as a good sign. He wouldn't have anything to do with Ted or Natalie at first but after about 2 hours he was starting to watch their every move. He refused to eat or drink anything but I'm too concerned because he is BIG BOY!! He is much bigger than I was expecting. In the picture where he is sleeping he is holding onto the clothes that he came in from the orphanage. It's sad but understandable since that is the only thing he has that is familiar to him right now. He had been clasping onto them for dear life since I changed him into his PJs.
I gave the "auntie director" the scrapbook of the Chenzhou children who are now living with their forever families. She had tears in her eyes and said this was the best gift we could have given them. They looked at each page and pointed at each child talking a mile a Chinese of course. I'm so glad that so many parents decided to contribute photos of their children. Well I should head back to the room, I left Ted with 2 sleeping kids.....hoping that they both sleep the rest of the night.
I am so happy that you finally have Paul. He looks adorable. We have been praying for you, since we first heard about the storm. Andrew was at our house last night with Starrs. Brandon and Andrew played in the basement and had a good time. He also saw the pictures of Natalie at the Great Wall and you holding your Coffee. He grinned real big. We will be watching your blog faithfully. Love and Prayers.
Hi is a beautiful boy! I am very happy for you! Grace to you and your whole family! -Amy Heymann
from the Special Needs DTC Late 2006 yahoo group.
We don't know what we are doing yet with leaving "comments" for you, so if you would like to read our first one (it is back on the one with Natalie & the Great Wall pictures). The "we" I am referring to is Sandy. Surprise, Surprise!
Congratulations Alison and Ted. Paul is a fine looking boy and we know he couldn't be in any better hands than yours.
Best wishes
Jim & Laura King :)
He is just beautiful!! So very happy he is with his forever family. Love hearing about your journey.
The Homan family,
Glad to hear that you finally have Paul!! Hope the rest of your trip is uneventful and goes as planned. Looking foward to more updates!
Holly & Brent & girls
Congratulations Ted and Alison, he is beautiful! I hope in the coming days Paul loves his having his own family who will love and keep him! We are loving your photos and updates. EVERYONE here is happy to see you! :)
Kathy and ALL
Alison, I'm so happy for you. Paul is absolutely GORGEOUS. I will continue to pray for your safe journey and completion of your adoption. God Bless, Tina
So happy to hear that you have Paul. I pray that he will soon find comfort with his new family. You and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers as you continue your journey. Look forward to more posts and pictures.
Praying for a smooth transition for your sweet boy and your family! Thank you so much for doing the scrapbook project - I know the SWI staff loves to get updates! Looking forward to hearing more about your wonderful journey!
Becky, Mama to Rachel Zhiheng, our Chenzhou sweetie
Hey Alison,
sorry to hear your trip was off to a rocky start,but I am sure glad that you made it there fine. I hope Nataile is having a great time with her new little brother. Oh by the way Happy Birthday Nataile on Wednesday.. I noticed in the one picture that Paul was cuddling with his new blanket...I hope that he enjoys it. Jason and I are thinking of you and can't wait for you to come home so that we can meet Paul..Have fun Natalie!!!!!!!!
My family also sends their love to you guys......
Jason and Monica
Glad the day has finally come that you have been waiting for...what a journey! What a blessing for Paul AND your family. Congrats! I had the pleasure of meeting Audrey this week...she is a cutie! My oldest daughter has become fond of her too. She's in good hands. :)
Take Care,
Janet Knapke
I'm so happy for you!!! Paul is adorable!!!! Congrats to you all!
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