Sorry, no pictures right now. I'm having problems uploading them to the blog tonight. I did email the photos to my brother and SIL and they will add them whenever they get my message..so check back later. Paul is still doing great most of the time but having sad moments throughout the day. Ted is still most definitely his favorite. If I can get him away from Ted and just he and I go on a walk he is fine with me. He even called me MA once while we were alone when he was trying to get my attention. As soon as he sees Ted he totally rejects, it is almost funny. Even if Ted is holding him and I try to give him his cup he cries and shakes his head but if 10 seconds later Ted gives him the same cup he will almost guzzle it down. I don't really have hurt feelings because I know that he likes me in his on special way and he will get things figured out eventually.
We have learned very quickly that Paul's favorite pastime is eating. He goes happy-crazy when we walk into any restaurant. This morning he almost jumped out of Ted's arms when he saw the high-chair. If we don't have food for him the second that he's in the chair he gets mad! We have decided that he needs a full body bib. He sticks everything under his short arm's armpit...utensils, sippy-cups, even food. Him missing his arm does not slow him down at all. As many of you know I am Type 1 diabetic so I use needles for giving myself insulin shots. Well last night I had got side-tracked and didn't dispose of one of my needles. Paul grabbed it the second he saw it. Ted looked everywhere for it thinking that Paul had dropped, no he had it stuck under his arm (yes it had a cap on it). We'll know to look there the first time from now one. He likes to have his arm completely out because he uses it all of the time, plus he likes to feel everything with it. He gets lots of stares, but we get stared at all of the time being that we're the only white faces in the crowd with a Chinese little boy. Natalie gets lots of long stares and is pointed at quiet a bit. I don't think shes noticed yet.
Our guide brought the most delicious birthday cake for dinner tonight to celebrate Natalie's big day. A few of the waitresses sang happy birthday in Chinese while we sang happy birthday in English. It was pretty cool. She was all smiles and I don't think she will ever forget her 6th birthday.
One funny thing about our trip is that our guide calls Ted "Andrew" (which is his middle name). You may remember when we adopted Audrey our guide could not pronounce "Ted" or "Theodore" so she called him Teddy the entire trip....to the amusement of our group. Well today our travel mate, Mike, asked Ted if his real name was Andrew or what because the guide keeps calling him Andrew. Ted explained that his passport reads Theodore Andrew and he's assuming that this guide can't pronounce him name right either so he just continues to answer to Andrew. It makes us feel like our son Andrew is with us every time the guide says his name.
Another thing I forgot to mention yesterday.....after we had all of the adoption papers signed the Auntie director told up that Paul was a naughty boy and he had a bad temper. I just thought it was funny that she told us after and not before the papers were signed. She does want us to send pictures of him to add to the scrapbook that I made. I had actually saved back a page to go into the album to decorate and send with one of the parents who are going to Chenzhou in the future when they adopt their child.
Well, I'm sure Ted has everything under control back in the room especially since Paul won't let me do anything but I should still head back.
Hi Alison,
Just wanted to tell you how happy we are for you and your family. We are so enjoying reading your blog. And so happy that you have Paul with you. He is such a CUTIE!! Hope you enjoy the remainder of your trip and we will continue to keep you all in our prayers.
Lisa Hammell
your IN neighbors &
fellow CWA parents.
Hi Alison & Family
Just wanted to say hello and to tell you how happy I am that you have Paul. He really is the cutest. Congratulations. Tell your daughter Happy Birthday for us. BTW, thank you for taking the care package.
Congratulations! and Happy Birthday Natalie!
I'm glad your trip seems to be going so well. We are so excited about meeting our new nephew and cousin. From your descriptions, I'm sure he'll fit into the chaos of the rest of our family just fine.
I must admit, I'm addicted to your blog and can't wait for the next update on your exciting adventure. It's hard to imagine your on the other side of the world with all this technology.
We'll keep praying that the rest of your journey continues to go well and that you have safe travels.
Pam, Jay, Riley & Mya
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