Hi! This message is going to be short and sweet because the hotel is having problems with their computers so I am using one of our travel mates laptop. We went to Tianamen Square, the Forbidden city and the Great Wall. I'll just explain what's going on in the pictures: I'm enjoying a Starbuck's vanilla latte at the Forbidden City (can you say tourist trap). Ted is haggling a store keeper at the Great Wall for "Genuine-Immitation" Rolex. Natalie and her new best friend Makenzie with a waitress at Peking Duck ( we were lucky enough to watch our duck being carved). This is a picture of Natalie before she and Ted made it to the top of the Great Wall. We even bought T-shirts that said "I climbed the Great Wall."
Well tomorrow is the big day. We fly to Changsha in the morning and should meet Paul in the afternoon. Please say lots of prayers for Paul...tomorrow is going to be great for us but very confusing for Paul. I'll try to at least post some pictures tomorrow. We'll see how everything goes.
*giggle* So he got a "Fauxlex"!
I have one too!
I hope your big day goes great! God bless you!
- Amy Heymann
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