We've had a very busy week around here. First of all "The Celebration of Paul" was a success. Can you believe I didn't take a single picture.......I could kick myself now.....but it was so hectic that night. We had around 135 people there and raised $457 for Half the Sky!!! I plan to mail out a check tomorrow to Half the Sky. Thank you so much to those of you who helped HTS. I hope some of you are considering sponsoring a child through HTS. Remember for just $25 a month you can sponsor one infant or even for $50 a month you can sponsor an auntie to care for and provide loving stimulation for 3-5 infants. I still have a handful of brochures if anyone is interested or you could even visit the Half the Sky website for more information: http://www.halfthesky.org/help/index.php Just remember how blessed you are.........I pray that you would choose to be a blessing in someone else's life. Okay, okay I'll get of my soapbox.
On Wednesday, Paul, Audrey and myself were invited to Two by Two preschool to talk about China. The kids were learning about cultural diversity that week. I had fun teaching the kids a few Chinese phrases. Audrey and Paul had fun playing with the toys in the preschool room while I was talking. Neither one of them was ready to go when it was time to leave.
Friday was Audrey's 3rd birthday!!!!!! Where has the time went???? Just 2 years ago we met this helpless little baby who at 13 months old could NOT even set up by herself. She thoroughly enjoyed her big day.
I found this saying on another adoptive parent's website. They posted this along with their story on why they continue to adopt more children from China:
"Life is not a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rather to skid in broadside, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and proclaiming, "Wow, what a ride!!!"
Love all the photos!!! Can't wait to finally meet you at CNY!!!
Hello Homan Family! We are the Anderson's from Celina. We adopted our son Alex from Korea the same time you broght Audrey home. Molly Bubp gave me the link to this site! Your children are beautiful!
Kelly Anderson
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