Hi Everyone!
Well, we'll see how this blog thing goes. Everyone says it's so easy to "BLOG" but I don't know. My goal is to have this blog running smoothly by the time we go to China. Once we are in China I should just be able to update the Blog instead of emailing like I did for Audrey's adoption trip. I should also be able to post pictures on a daily basis this time too.
On Tuesday we mailed our dossier to the adoption agency. Our caseworker emailed me saying that she received it but she was having a hard time translating Ted's occupation. I'm sure she'll figure something out. I was relieved that she wasn't concerned about my name being mispelled on my birth certificate. For the adoption you have to have a birth certificate from the state capital's vital records. I've had mine since April but just noticed Monday night as I was getting our paper's ready that Alison was spelled Alaison. AAAHHH! For those of you who have completed an international adoption you can understand my concern. We are told to check our documents over and over and over somemore. The dossier will be sent to China on July 20th. My best guess is that we will hopefully travel sometime in November. But with international adoption sometimes guessing is all you can do.
Our agency has requested updated information on Paul twice now with no response. Of course we are dying to see new pictures of him and to know how big he is.
Thank you so much to all of you who participated in Paul and Audrey's "100 Good Wishes" quilt. We reached our goal just last week. We actually have 101 squares now. I did have to harass a few people to get those last few squares. I will post pictures as soon as they are done.
I probably will update this once a month until we have travel approval. For now I will email "all"saying that I have updated my blog. Once we go to China you guys will have to check it on your own.
1 comment:
Hi Alison!
Your blog looks great!!! Can't wait to follow along!
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