Well we are still waiting for "the call." I'm starting to become impatient. I just want to wrap my arms around Paul's sweet little body. Even though I'm starting to become antsy, we did have a really great week. On Thursday my brother called to announce that he and his wife had just started the paperwork for an adoption from China. Praise the Lord!!!!! They are just getting started so they have a long road ahead of them. On Thursday and then again on Friday we received two gifts of money unexpectedly. I wont say who it was but you know who you are, THANK YOU!!! God is taking care of this overwhelming adoption expense little by little.
On Saturday we received a very special package from the Kelly family. They had sent tons of photos and the DVD of their trip to Chenzhou. I can't even tell you how amazing it was to see Paul moving and breathing and even crying. He is a beautiful child. My brother copied 4 different clips of the video and posted them on YouTube. Please feel free to check our little guy out ( thanks Troy!!)
Today Ted and I went to hear Robert Rogers speak. He is an inspirational speaker who just happened to be in Celina this weekend. Everyone needs to hear his story. He tragically lost his wife and four kids in a freak flooding accident 3 years ago. Through his terrible loss he has decided to share his message of living "A Life With No Regrets." His youngest child was a special needs little girl who he and his wife had just adopted from China about 8 months before the accident. After the message Ted and I introduced ourselves and told him of our impending adoption. He spoke a few kind words and wished us the best. If Robert is ever in your area or if your local church is looking to bring in a guest speaker be sure to check him out. Here's his info:
I really hope our next post is that we have received travel approval. Please continue to pray for Paul.